Below are documented Known Issues and limitations of Pima. We aim to resolve those over time and they will be removed as they get released to production.
Documents with both Portrait and Landscape.
When a PDF is uploaded to Pima, its direction is dictated by metadata located in the PDF itself. When certain pages are rotated within the document, Pima will watermark pages in the directions set by the PDF. Unfortunately, this means that PDFs with pages containing both Portait and Landscape might end up with some pages watermarked in a different direction.
Link to access documents is always expired.
When sending an envelope to someone, Pima generates a unique access link to that email address. For security purposes, that link will only be valid for a single click to prevent the recipient from forwarding the email to a group of people that could access your confidential documents.
Sometimes, especially with large enterprise companies (SP500, banks etc.), a spam filter will click the link before the email arrives in your recipient's inbox, rendering the link expired before your recipient could click on it. If you encounter this issue, update your settings from One click to Time based Access Passes.